
Having dedicated her business to Creating Interiors that Enhance Life, Beth naturally pursued becoming a LEED Accredited Professional (AP). Her LEED specialty is ID+C — Interior Design + Construction.

She stays on top of current design issues by maintaining a professional membership with the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), the largest and leading professional organization for interior designers. Beth has served as president and fulfilled other  leadership roles with the Ohio North Chapter of ASID.

Over the course of her career, in addition to her own business, she has served as Director of Interior Design at Bialosky + Partners Architects, and Interior Designer at Abbott Arhar Design. Her work has appeared in numerous publications. She was interviewed in Cleveland Business Connects.

She also has taught interior design at the university level in continuing education classes at the Cleveland Institute of Art.

Beth is a graduate of Kent State University with a degree in interior design.

See examples of interiors by Beth Fitzgibbons and Fitzgibbons Design on Flickr or Linkedin.

With any further questions or inquires, please Get in Touch.